Top 10 Heartbreaking Companion Deaths in Video Games
Check out our featured song: "Aphrodisiac" by Riddle Feat Robby Hodges! There are some major spoilers ahead, so be advised! For this list, we’ll be looking at the saddest and most impactful deaths of video game companions. Our countdown includes Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Gears of War 3, The Last of Us and more! Which character's death hit YOU the hardest? Let us know in the comments! Watch more great gaming videos here: Top 10 Best Wireless Gaming Headsets: Top 10 Last of Us Deaths RANKED: 8 Bad Decisions You Made in Video Games Just to See What Would Happen: Have Your Idea Become A Video! Subscribe for more great content! Visit WatchMojo Club for Great Deals! Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news on Film, TV, Video Games, Comics, Celeb, Music and Superheroes. #VideoGames #Gaming #Tragic


    1. the character i choose is gamma from sonic adventure the story of gamma start with robotnik make a new crew of bednik the the E series one of them is e 102 gamma after a fight against his older brother beta him and the other robots not include beta trying to find frog that eat the chaos emerald gamma find the frog and bring to eggman and because the others filled they disappear after that robotnik says to gamma bring him a bird that was a family member of the birds in gamma and beta from amy rose that got capture he to the worng room and find beta breaking a part after a conversion that in the end gamma free amy he goes to fight sonic amy stop the fight and Everyone eascap gamma think what he saw and come to an understanding that he need destroyed the robots and free the animals after that gamma encounter beta angry he fight but before beta died he shot gamma after beta die gamma see a picture of the birds and realized he need to finish what he start and explode after that the birds reunited but everyone don’t know about the thing he had do

  1. I know arthur morgan was the main protagonist for nearly all of red dead redemption 2, but it still hurts to see him die, especially when you play as john in the epilogue 😭

    1. At my first walkthrough i somehow managed to get the first horse of the game alive to the end, it was heartbreaking to see her die.

  2. Vesemir is incredibly tragic because like he’s a father figure to the whole gang geralt, eskel, and ciri vesemir making her death traumatic and harrowing to players and characters

    1. That gave us a massive ambition towards killing them though, and it made the end all that much better. When you finally get to kill Eredin and Imlerith it was satisfying to the player. But we can’t forget crach an crait is killed as well, This made the wild hunt have the best villains (in my opinion) and the best ambition towards finally killing them

  3. Ff7 is a masterpiece. The sole reason it was remade. Story line. Soundtrack. Character building. Great antagonist and protagonist. Plenty of adventure and gameplay. Heart breaking moments and scenes that’ll make you smile. Aeriths death hit everyone who has played the game.

  4. You forgot to mention that Chloe is also Max’s love interest,which makes the final decision even more difficult than it already was.

  5. FFXV The Regalia
    That car was the only link Noctis had with his father. That car was as big of a companion as the rest of the party

  6. The music that goes with Aerith’s death makes it more impactful for me, I can still hear the music to this day. This one of the best game musical pieces ever for me.

  7. Surely Joel from Last of Us Part 2 should be number 1? Even with the leaks, and after all these months, I’m still not over the death of Joel Miller.

    1. @Ancestor Empire yeah, certain tropes are used too often in games, and stories in general, these days. look at Avengers: Endgame, felt kinda cliche that that’s what was needed to deal with what happened in the previous film

    2. @Trav Stein I remember when Time Travel was only used maybe once in a story and that was it.
      Now it’s way over blown.

    3. @Ancestor Empire agreed. sometimes its done well, like the Prince of Persia series and Life is Strange, but most of the time it just doesn’t fit, I hear that was part of the problem with FFXIII-2

    4. @Ancestor Empire i hadn’t even noticed that lol, so maybe she will be. i’ll be curious to see what the sequel does in continuing the story

  8. Honestly I would say that Soap’s death did deserve to be in this list cause well we play as him in COD4 and MW2 so his death in MW3 is pretty unexpected and sad and Captain Price first time crying makes sadder

    1. that’s why Makarov’s death was so satisfying. if he was just another antagonist, it wouldn’t have been as satisfying

    2. I honestly don’t get the hype for Ghost. He’s overrated, only appeared in one game, and got barely any screentime. Soap on the other hand was in the entire trilogy. I think Soap deserves more praise than the overrated Ghost.

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